Did I do it? Yes! On average I met each of my goals. Some months I did more, some less, but I worked through a lot of materials this year!
However, I didn't meet the spirit of the goal.. which was to use stash. Many of my projects required new fiber or new yarn to complete. Sometimes I bought new yarn/fiber just because I wanted to (and really, who doesn't?). So if this goal was "Production 2011" then I certainly produced. Did I reduce my stash? Not so much.
Next year, I want to work from my stash. In fact, I'd like to work entirely from my stash for both spinning and knitting materials. (I am leaving an exception for weaving, because I don't have much yarn suitable and may need to purchase particular yarn for projects I have in mind. Still, I'd like to keep weaving-purchasing limited to planned-projects only. No "just because it's on sale" buying!) I will not be making any pledges as to how much I get done each month, but I hope you'll join me for a "work from what you've got" year!











Gratz on completing so much! I was impressed with doing about 4 oz of spinning every two months but you blew my work out of the water!
what a wonderfully productive year!
Congratulations! My goal this year is to WEAR the things I make. I have a ever growing pile of finished projects that never see the light of day. Here's to 2012 with lots of wooly wishes!
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