Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rainbow Striped Cardigan

I'm thinking I'll let this particular project speak for itself.

But in short, it's a cardigan. It's a pattern I have knit before and really liked. And I had a friend that needed a baby sweater. With yarn I had on hand that fit the pattern, and a fun idea, I set to work.

And it came out beautifully.

Rainbow Striped Cardigan Rainbow Striped Cardigan
Rainbow Striped Cardigan Rainbow Striped Cardigan

A couple of quick thoughts just in case I need reminding later:

  • Slipped selvedges make a very nice edge, but may not be strictly necessary or advantageous if you're going to seam it anyway. Use a stockinette or garter edge for more points of attachment.
  • Stripes are awesome. Stripes have a ton of ends. Use stripes sparingly, or get a self-striping yarn.
  • Leaving longer ends than normal at the edges of the stripes was a very good idea and made finishing the project a lot easier.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

I love it. Stripes are hard but always worth the effort!