Monday, September 28, 2009

Negative Progress

While this may look like a happy in-progress photo, it is in fact an anti-progress photograph! After knitting half way down my foot on both socks, I came to the unequivocal opinion that the sock was just too tight over the top of my foot.

It didn't FEEL too tight. In fact it felt deliciously soft and comfortingly clingy as a good sock should. But the lovely lace on the top stretched so terribly you could no longer determine its original shape. How sad.

So after much debate, I pulled the needles from my first sock and ripped the poor thing back to the heel flap. The second followed soon after this picture was taken.

The one bright light in all of this was that we drove to the coast on Saturday to go to the Aquarium. I didn't know this was going to be such a great thing but what it did give me was at least three hours of solid knitting time while I chatted with my husband (who was doing all the driving) and allowed my children to nap in the back seat. It was some of the most peaceful time I've had all week and was all the better for the great conversation.

I also got a lot of knitting done!

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