Wednesday, June 4, 2008

One done!

Anastasia Knee Sock
Originally uploaded by Project Pictures
... and the other nearly so. I knit these sequentially, and the second sock is done until the final repeat of the spiral, so there is only the spiral with increases, and the cuff left to knit. No second sock syndrome for me!

I'm really happy with how they've turned out. The sock is quite pretty. The yarn has a very 'tweeded' effect from dying the two strands next to each other. Where the strands touch, the dye doesn't take as much, leaving lighter spots throughout.

This sock is knit toe-up, starting with Judy's Magic Cast-On. The spiral pattern is from, called Anastasia. The gusset was made using Cat Bordhi's LLinc and LRinc, and the heel is a slip-stitch flap extrapolated from several other patterns. It's not quite right, but a couple of picked-up stitches on the last row closed a possible hole before it could be an issue.

The cuff is my own design. I didn't like how abrupt the cuff was in the Anastasia pattern, so I extended it down into the spiral pattern below, and went with a 1x1 twisted rib all the way to the top. The final spiral increases 1/2" and the rib another 1" to fit the calf.

Unfortunately they came out just one inch short of a true knee-sock. I may yet have to pick up the stitches at the top and use another yarn to extend them a bit further. I am thinking of decreasing at that point over the bulk of my calf and using a 2x2 rib to make it more elastic and keep the socks up. Just a test-wear of the one sock proves to me that as-is, it is going to be a challenge to keep them on.

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